Well, I have decided to try to document the second year of Samuel's life. I have no idea how this will go, but I at least have to give it a try (it is alarming to me how poor my memory has become)
Weight: 21 lbs 4 oz
Height: 29.25 inches
Head: over 18 inches
Health: Overall, Samuel has been pretty healthy. I did have a scare in early April when I discovered a rash all over his stomach, chest, and back. It resolved. I am not sure what brought it on. We tried to stick to 1-ingredient food for a few days.
Social: Samuel likes to watch big kids. He does okay in the nursery at church, but is happiest when he can see Mom or Dad.
Diet: Anything he can get into his mouth. Samuel's favorite foods are yogurt, hard boiled eggs, and anything on Dad's plate.
Clothes: Samuel is still wearing (and filling out) 12 month clothing. I think he has been wearing some 12 month onesies since he was 4 months old. He will definitely be in 12 month pants for awhile yet (I am hoping it warms up enough that we do not have to worry about pants soon!) 12 month clothing is the first size Samuel has not grown through super fast and I am ready for some new clothes for him.
Momma's Favorites: There was one day when Samuel woke up super early and ended up nursing back to sleep after a bit. I held him while he napped and really enjoyed it. Everyone told me when he was little to savor holding a napping baby. I get it now.
Sleep: Oh sleep. I could write a book on it. Samuel will sleep through the night and take two naps a day. A perfect day would be waking up around 6, napping from 8:30-10am and 1-2pm, and down for the night around 6:15ish. Usually he wakes up early for the day or one of his naps. But it is so much better than the first 9 months of his life that I try to be grateful.
Baby Likes: Food, emptying the dishwasher, pushing things while walking behind them, GOING OUTSIDE (this may be Sam's most favorite thing in the world!)
Milestones: We switched Samuel to a "big boy" carseat (thanks Papa G and Mama G!) It was great to be able to click you in and out when the weather was cold, but now that it is warming up (and you weigh a ton!) it is nice to just carry you.
The poem included in Samuel's one year birthday card from Great-Grandpa Schaudt:
"You're a very special little boy
who's loved in every way...
for bringing joy and laughter
to each and every day.
So happy and so full of fun
and such a good boy too
you make the world a nicer place
with everything you do.
So now that your 1st Birthday's here
may all your dreams come true...
for no-one else deserves them more
than a special boy like you."