Social: The kid thinks he is a 6 year old. We tagged along with Daddy to a hospital visit in Fort Wayne and checked out a new park. He was content in the baby area of the park for about 20 seconds before he decided that he needed to be in the big kid area. He thinks he can go do whatever he sees 9 year olds running around doing. Once Samuel can walk, he is going to be unstoppable.
Diet: Anything he can get into his mouth. Samuel's favorite foods are yogurt, hard boiled eggs, and anything on Dad's plate. I found some fruit and veggie melts at the store this past month and Samuel loves those too. He is in a spherical and ellipsoid food stage. I think it started with the hard boiled eggs. If you ask him where the eggs are, he knows which shelf in the fridge. He will pick his own hard boiled egg out in the morning and crack it on the counter (he could probably half peel it too, but it makes too much of a mess and I don't have the patience). He likes cutie/mandarin oranges as well. He has tried to crack them as well, but it does not work, so he usually gives up and just starts eating the whole thing (peel included - until I catch him and pick orange peel out of his mouth).
Clothes: In between 12 and 18 month clothes. We got you a pair of Fergshark flip flops in 3T this month.
Momma's Favorites: When we walk from the living room to Samuel's bedroom for nap time, he has started to pat my arm. It is cute and I think he is imitating that I rub his back. It is also fun to plan something that Samuel will like to do (go to the park) and then see the happiness on his face when we arrive.
Crying: You cry (scream) when something does not go your way - so that would be 194 times a day.
Sleep: Oh sleep. Samuel will sleep through the night and take two naps a day. We'll just leave it at that.
Baby Likes: Eating, keys (and pressing the lock/unlock buttons to make the cars beep), the park, emptying the dishwasher, emptying the laundry basket, the tv remote (and all technology), Susie's Bakery, ROCKS, WATER, pushing things while walking behind them, GOING OUTSIDE (this may be Sam's most favorite thing in the world!) TAKING A BATH (this may be Samuel's second most favorite thing in the world). Samuel is excellent at pointing out trucks, birds (specifically robins), squirrels, and anything he deems "tractor" (aka lawn mowers). He can't talk so I just assume that he knows the difference between trucks and tractors.
Milestones: Technically, Samuel spent about 6 hours in Michigan when he was 3 months old, so I don't know if that counts or not. This past weekend, we tagged along with Dad to Presbytery in Ann Arbor and got a full 24 hours in, so now it counts for sure!
Samuel is doing better at drinking out of a sippy cup. (And by that I mean, it takes him 3 days to drink one sippy)
I feel like Samuel has started to understand a lot more in the past month. He understand sequences (put on shoes before going outside or he thinks if Dad is not home then he is at church... which is true most of the time). He also understands commands ("put your shoes on" "take this to the laundry room" "put your paci in your crib") now it is just a matter of him following the commands.
He can put the cap on his food pouches. He knows how to put it on and he knows that it needs to be twisted to go on securely. I love seeing his intense look of concentration when he is mastering a skill.
Two funny stories from this past month:
On a rainy day, we decided to visit the library. The kids' section of the library is so fun! Samuel crawled around and explored the duplos table, the hand puppets, and some big stuffed animals. He, of course, had zero interest in the books. At one point he crawled over to a table, pulled himself up, and started for the stuffed animal sitting on the other end. The next thing I know, my kid is BITING the table. I told him, "No". He did it again. I took him over to the diaper bag and gave him his paci (which he usually only gets at nap time and in the car). He started to wiggle so I put him down. He crawled right back over to the table, pulled himself up, took his paci out, and started biting on the table again. I was mortified but tried to keep it together (note: there were no other people in the library so I knew the librarians could hear everything I was saying). I told him, "You can stop chewing on the table, or we can go home." I will let you guess what choice he went with (we went home).
Samuel comes along with whatever I need to do each day. I needed to work on something for children's church at the church so Samuel came with me. He likes to pull the books off the shelf of the library at church. I told him, "No, we only pull books off the shelf at home." He did it a few more times (of course when I set him down next to his toys, he has zero interest and just crawls back to the book shelves). Finally I slapped his hand (not hard) and told him, "No" and gave up and went home.
The next day we went back and he headed right for the books. I said, "Samuel" and gave him the look. He looked back at me, hit himself on the hand, and started pulling books off the shelf.
The next week we were over at the church again and the same thing happened! He now just hits himself on the hand and starts unloading the shelves.