Thursday, December 29, 2016

24 weeks!

Does 24 weeks pregnant mean I start telling people that I am SIX MONTHS (!?!?!?!) PREGNANT? The theme of disbelief and denial have continued. I think at this point, I believe that I am pregnant (when I remember that I am pregnant) but I can't believe that we are going to have an infant.  A tiny little baby that is totally dependent on us for everything.  The infant stage is pretty intimidating to me.  Toddlers are my jam - but infants - they can do nothing besides eat and poop.

21 Weeks 4 days - the Babes and I rocking an Ugly Sweater for Ugly Christmas Sweater Day at School
I like to make goals.  It helps me streamline my thinking and not dwell on unimportant things. I was telling Ian how I am trying to narrow down some goals for parenting our child(ren) that will take us all the way through his (their) lives. Ian suggested that we use part of the Boy Scout Oath and try to raise a child who is: physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight (I have since added socially normal - this may have happened when said child's father was acting weird while we were at Target).  Boom!  Goal written!

23 weeks 1 day - I was taken out for my birthday with some friends - I managed to put some make-up on
The baby is staring to become some fun sizes that I can almost picture a human being. Week 22 the baby was the size of a Nalgene water bottle. Week 23 the baby was the size of a Barbie (Ken I guess in our case) Doll.  Week 24 the baby is a size of a beer growler - how very Colorado of the baby.

Christmas Day at church - 23 weeks 6 days
At our most recent check up (24 weeks) we found out that I have an anterior placenta - which is why I have not really been feeling the baby move too much. I thought I was slightly crazy for wishing for stronger kicks.  But come to find out, there is essentially a "cushion" that the baby is kicking most of the time.  I also think my 27 pound weight gain has not helped anything either...#justsayin

My belly button is definitely transitioning from a "flattie" to an "outie".  Sometimes I complain to Ian that my belly button hurts - I can feel it stretching.  Ian reminds that "this is what a miracle feels like" - well folks, miracles don't feel great - they feel like stretching and pain.

Christmas Day
I have been slowly working on my registry.  Babies need so much stuff.  Goodness gracious!  I have trying to stick to one place for the most part, but my in-laws told me about the Baby Box and I was like, "Perfect!".  So our kid is going to sleep in a box for the first 5 months of his life.  Target Registry tells you every time you log in, "Ian and Alissa's Baby is expected in 111 days."  Every time I think "How is that possible?!?" 

24 weeks 2 days - strangers are starting to comment on my pregnancy and are shocked when I tell them that I am due in April - yes person-I-just-met-in-the-grocery-store, I can read your mind - I am going to be HUGE:)

We sporadically work on name ideas.  At this point Ian has a #1 name (Samuel Henry) and I have a #1 name (Benjamin Lewis) and they are not the same.  I don't think the flow of Samuel Henry is strong enough and Ian says my Benjamin is too popular (it is the top 10).  If I knew with 100% certainty that there are more boys in our future and that Benjamin would become less popular, I would not care so much.  Hopefully we still have 17-18 week to hash out a name for the little guy. 

The following paragraph is such a "mom" thing to say, but I am well on my way to be a mom so mom it up I will!  At our 24 week check-up the nurse practitioner was listening to the baby's heartbeat and told us that he had the hiccups.  And that he was not happy about it.  I am not sure how she knew that he was angry, but that is what she said.  She also said that he must be (and I quote), "...neurologically advanced to know that he has the hiccups and to be mad about them...".  My kid is neurologically advanced!  It was definitely one of my first proud momma moments.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

On turning 29

Today I turned 29 years old!   How crazy!  I seriously feel about exactly the same as I did when I was 23 (and when I was 23, I felt about 18 - ha!)  Last year, I did a good job of taking selfies throughout the day.  So far this year I have not taken any pictures, so I am going to steal one or two from last year:)

The main reason I am blogging today is that I feel like this is the "last"s of so many types of birthdays.  It could be my last birthday in Colorado.  It is my last birthday as a not-mom (before you are married, you are single...before you are a mom/parent, you are a_____?).  It is my last birthday of my 20s.  It is my last birthday (let's hope) as a Seminary Wife.  

We started our day at Snooze (after my amazing husband de-snowed and de-iced our car in the -1 degree weather).  We like Snooze for breakfast, but we don't make it there very often.  We went to Snooze last year for my birthday breakfast and then we did the same this year.  I had Gingerbread Pancakes topped with something awesome (I don't know what it was, but it was great!  Something in between butter and whipped cream.)  Ian had a jalapeno, mushroom, and sausage omelet.

It pretty much looked the same this year, except for more ice and snow.

After Snooze, we headed to find birthday present #1 - firewood.  When Ian asked me what I wanted for my birthday this year, the first thing that came to mind was, "a break from school" (which I am getting - I am enjoying the challenges I took on this year, but I have burnt myself out a bit, so I was ready for a break - praisetheLord!)  The next thing that came to mind was "a fire all day".  We so enjoy having a wood burning fireplace in our little apartment, but we don't burn a fire that often.  So Ian bought me two bundles of firewood and we have had a fire going all afternoon.  It smells a bit like a campfire in the apartment, but I don't care.  It is so cozy to hear the wood pop and crack as the fire burns.

my view from the couch - I am too lazy to try to get a good picture of our fire

We headed to church to see the Children's Program - we can't believe that in a few years we will have a kiddo up there and I will be the Mom in the front row trying to video it all on my phone to send to grandparents {mindblowing}.  The kids did a good job and it was fun to see all their different personalities and watch them sing.   After church we stopped at home for a snack and then headed out for birthday fun round #2.

We went to Target and stopped at the Starbucks there for my free birthday drink {venti decaf holiday spice flat white}.  We wandered Target and I looked at all the cute white girl things and all the cute baby things that I have registered for but not seen in person yet.  We hit up the maternity section and I found a top that fits (and looks festive, but I can wear after the holidays soon).  Ian said my requests for new windshield wipers and certain pencils were not real requests so he let me wander Target and bought me whatever we came across.  We ended up with a maternity top and a pregnancy wedge - it is a type of pillow that is supposed to help me sleep better (doubtful, but it was on sale fore 10 bucks so I will give it a try).

After Target, we stopped by Panera to get my free birthday treat.  I choose a cinnamon roll (that I later enjoyed with a cup of coffee.  Don't worry Mommas - it was decaf.  I follow all the dumb pregnancy rules the best I can.)  Once we got home, I camped out on the couch to read, blog, and do absolutely nothing.  It always takes me a couple more days than I anticipate to "recover" from school.  This past semester definitely kicked my butt.

We had a lowkey evening.  I watched a ridiculously cheesy Christmas movie (my favorite).  I ended the day in bed reading (also my favorite).  What a great day!  I loved seeing emails pop up on my phone all day telling me of friends near and far who were wishing me a happy birthday.  Here's to all the adventure that the next 365 days will bring!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

20 weeks

We are halfway through this pregnancy!  I can't believe it!  We found out this week that we are expecting a boy!  I can't believe it!  I finally understand why people say things like, "I can't believe my kid is 5!  I can't believe they are in kindergarten!"  Every stage of parenthood has been met with denial thus far.    

I was super convinced that we were having a girl, so Ian and I have only been discussing girl names.  Guess we will have to shelve those.  We both would have picked a boy, so we are pretty excited!  

I think it is finally starting to sink in that I am pregnant. I feel huge and people have started patting my stomach.  I pat their stomachs back (unless it is Ian).  Yup, I am glad that we are not having a little girl to take after her Momma's sassy ways.

18 weeks 3 days - good thing my phone remembers when I take pictures.  

It is definitely December in our household - lots of Christmas music and lots of looming deadlines for school for both of us (I still have 2 finals to write...yikes!).  The good news is it will all be over in 2 weeks.

Unfortunately, I have given up a bit on exercising.  I got out for a couple of walks this week.  I try to motivate myself to go, but it is getting colder here and it has snowed a couple of times.  I like running so much more - I actually feel like some stress is relieved and running generates way more body heat.  If I run these days my hips hurt quite a bit the next day so I stick to walking.

Pumpkin Pie 5k - we walked it together.  It was FREEZING and walking a 5k makes me feel lame.  Ian is a good encourager.  And he gave me half of his piece of pumpkin pie afterwards "for the baby".
However, I do dream of days when I can run again which has lead to an obsession of looking at strollers. I read a blog post the other day that said something along the lines of, "You will never find the perfect jogging stroller."  That was a bit defeating!  I would love a jogger that can accommodate an infant through a 75 lb kiddo and is not crazy expensive and is height adjustable and could maybe convert to a double jogger without being bulky.  I am super torn between getting a carseat/stroller combo or just not worrying about it and getting a good carseat and a completely different stroller.  Yes I have wasted time too much time on the internet researching options and I don't feel like I have found anything I like.  At least we have a few more months to figure it out.

December 1st!  20 weeks 3 days.  Ignore my hair - I was not really planning on showing this picture to people.
Speaking having a few more months, we have yet to pick a hospital (well we have picked one, but we should probably take a tour and see the place before we actually decide) or found out about any type of birthing class or anything really.  The only reason I stay on top of doctor visits is they do not let me leave until I schedule the next few appointments (smart people).  I also keep saying that I need to find some maternity workout clothes and maternity work clothes (I have been wearing clothes given to me by friends and family - all super generous) but then I remember how much I don't actually like shopping (I think I do until I am in the store) and so many stores have gone to "we only carry maternity clothes online" - ugh! I just want to try on a couple of different pairs of pants to see how they fit - that's all!

I slept awesome over Thanksgiving break and then I was back to hit or miss this past week.  I can usually fall asleep pretty easily, it is just a matter staying asleep between 1-5am.  I know it is only going to get worse so I am trying to be okay with it.  Whenever I feel tired I go to bed so I can a get a good 4-5 hours in - which means I go to bed at 7pm or 8pm (more common) some nights and then get up at 4am to finish whatever I did not get done the night before.  

Did I mention that I am excited that we are having a boy? I am so ready for some kicks or jabs.  I think I have gained too much weight to feel anything right now.  I do feel little things that are similar to an air bubble popping but who knows if that is the baby or not.  I am trying to keep things fairly simple on our baby registry, but I can't resist the baby boy clothes!  They are just so cute.  I have heard that we might get a lot of clothes and so we don't need to register for much, but I since I am not trying to not buy any, I am registering for as much as I want!  

I love one sentence prayers. I like longer prayers too, but there is something about a one sentence prayer that can almost instantly calm my heart.  One thing that I pray often is, "Lord, prepare our hearts for what you have for us."