Thursday, June 30, 2011

Baby Hyuk

Remember Baby Hyuk?

cutest baby in all of Korea.  Or the happiest.  Or both?
He is so cute.  He is so happy.  He may be my favorite baby in all of Korea.  Or the little one I saw on the subway today {sidenote:  if I ever have a daughter, she will is getting some pink tulle in form of a skirt and a bow that is a big as her precious little head.  SO CUTE!}  Well, Baby Hyuk has been doing some growin'

And just not his hair!  He can now crawl and say Oma and Abba (mom and dad in Korean).  I am not sure if he said any other words in Korean as I only recognized Oma and Abba.  My amazing husband and I hung out with Baby Hyuk's mom, Bob, and Mark on Wednesday evening.  We had a great time! So did Baby Hyuk:

Baby Hyuk getting dolphin rides  (i.e. he lays on the dolphin and my hubby pulls the dolphin around)
A good time was had by all

Baby Hyuk's Oma (Mrs. Oh) made some rockin' Vietnamese food while we played with Hyuk.  It was really delicious! (I can say that in Korean.)  It was great to hang out with friends and not have to cook dinner (although we did bring the Best Chicken Salad Sandwich Evah with us to share).  After dinner we went out for coffee.  I had a Law Fat Yogurt Blueberry Shake (yum-o!  And yes, it said Law instead of Low on the menu...oh Korea!). 
Hyuk chillin' with his opa

Mrs. Oh asked us to think of an international name for Baby Hyuk. (read: you want me to think of a name for your baby!?!?!  I was humbled.)  We are thinking Benjamin.  It works well in Spanish or English. but if you have any suggestions, let us know!

Hopefully we can hang out again soon.  And hopefully I will successfully teach him how to say noon-na.

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